2019 fall trends — Blog It Out! — STYLELAB | Your Personal Stylist

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Blog It Out!

STYLELAB aims to inspire and stay inspired. Our blog is where we share all of our favorite items and styling tips. Enjoy. 


Filtering by Tag: 2019 fall trends


Brittney McMillin

Fashion Weeks in the Big Four (London, Paris, New York, Milan) are officially over, and another season of fabulous fashion is keeping Pinterest fingers very trigger-happy. The collections offered an abundance of luxe yet wearable looks that are - happily - not at all difficult to recreate for a Fall/Winter wardrobe that you won’t want to bury beneath a coat. 

Here are our favorite ready-to-wear runway & street style trends. Which will you try?


All-Over Leather

Whether it’s faux or the real thing, nothing looks quite as sumptuous as leather. Wear with cozy knits, go head-to-toe tonal, or get playful and mix textures.


Chunky Mid-Calf Boots

The perfect way to add a bit of rock n roll edge to a feminine dress or flowy skirt. Prada and Bottega Veneta led the charge with the chunkiest boots to date.


Knee-Length Shorts 

Shorts aren’t just for the warmer months anymore. Pair them with boots or layer over tights for a chic take on a summer staple.



Worn on their own, over a blouse, or layered under a jacket, vests were everywhere this season.



We all love a sexy, borrowed-from-the-boys look, and fortunately there’s no shortage of menswear-inspired suiting to choose from.